In addition to his thriving private practice offering consultations, healings and teachings worldwide, Dr David Pilz also has numerous exciting endeavors that could benefit from collaborators, investors, philanthropists and volunteers.
We are currently living in a time of great uncertainty. New dire predictions and prophesies, political and economical upheaval, environmental disasters and a strange metaphysical and technological evolution are presented to us on a daily basis. At a time when the planetary power brokers have shown a desperate and vested interest in keeping us separated, bigoted and numb we have the obligation to look for ways to collaborate with one another to achieve the nirvana that we have eagerly sought for so long. We are the people we have been waiting for ... now is the time.
Are you looking for something that will inspire you AND make a positive difference in the world?
Looking for a way to be a positive part of our societies proactive lifestyle changes?
Looking for some way to give back, maybe even find a soulful purpose?
Tired of the endless pursuit of 'stuff', got some skills or resources that you want to share?
Want to discover yourself by 'playing' with a team of fellow way seers?
You are not alone!!!
Feel free to explore our numerous eclectic projects on the go and if you feel compelled to participate or collaborate with our growing 'community' of like minds, don't be shy to connect and ask those important questions. Our growing team has been discretely at this for many decades already, with the intention and inspiration to continue growing and offering positive alternatives to others that want to do business, life a life and experience true altruistic abundance in every way .. 'it takes a community to grow a child'.
Be a part of the change ... influence the future ... make a difference.