Social Work for the Afterlife
Paranormal Investigations and Metaphysical Teachings
Dr David Pilz ('OutThereTV', Oraclevision, Ghosting and Extreme Paranormal Investigations) and Glen Ferguson (TCPS 08-16, Supernatural, X-Files, Chronicles of the Unknown) have teamed up to bring you something more than what you've come to expect from a paranormal investigation documentary series. Authentic metaphysical teachings and rare paranormal phenomena combined with historical accuracy, good science and great storytelling. The next evolution of media is here .. the public wants more than just stories, they want to know how!

The Metaphysical Manual book series
The first book in The Metaphysical Manual series was first published in 2003 as a 'how to' manual for anyone wanting to study and train their innate psychic and metaphysical awareness. A first of its kind, written as a first person experienced instructor, David (The Oracle) Pilz, these accumulated teachings, techniques and references were the published works that David himself was looking for as a highly sensitive psychic looking for real metaphysical answers.
This in depth series now has two of the four book series published; other subjects that Dr David Pilz has chosen to share include "The Whitestar Teachings" and "the Extreme Paranormal Investigations DVD/ Book set".

OmMANNA Ormus Products
The ultimate alchemy!! If you haven't yet researched Ormus Gold then you've been missing out on one of our species best kept secrets, and there has never been a time when its been more important that you know about it. Philosophers stone, Manna, Solomon's Gold, Ark of the Covenant ... David Pilz has discovered a naturally occurring source of the monoatomic gold and has been expertly testing, harvesting, storing and selling OmMANNA for a decade to those seeking health/ beauty, enlightenment, enhancement and more. It exists naturally in an underground aquifer beneath the Starnation Lodge and Ceremony Grounds .. the fountain of youth?
Just when we need it the most, nature provides ...

OmHaven Institute Society Non profit Organization
A modern day mystery school teaching self sustainability, off grid living and symbiosis with our planet, our dimension and our authentic selves. Birthed a decade ago to meet the logistic needs of an awakening society, the Omhaven Institute Society curriculum also includes certified courses in wildcrafting, metaphysical/ psychic development, alchemy, alternative health, ancient prophesies, stewardship and communion with nature, deity and self. We are currently seeking/ negotiating our future campus and are open to new participants/ investors are looking for these same opportunities.
Become a part of the future .. be present today!!